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A Walk on the Wild Side Ch. 02

Kategori: Genel

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When Eva finally got off the ladder her excitement and humiliation were enough to make her run for the locker room. She was shocked and she could feel her blood pressure send her into a boil.

Two weeks after the fateful event at the Wizard, Eva had determined that she could not work in the bar any longer. Her search for work continued, and with the accumulating bills there was considerable pressure to locate a new job. On Tuesday morning Eva crawled out of bed at 6 AM, unable to sleep due to the stirring of her small dog. He had jumped up on her bed and was ready to play. Eva tussled his head and ears with her hand and he continued to play and growl, anxious to have her get up.

Eva crawled out of bed, put on the coffee and showered. Drying her body, she spent a minute feeling good about the fact that she had kept herself in shape. Her petite frame was strong from her daily exercise and she particularly admired her firm 34B breasts and pink nipples, framed in the center of large areola. Her short dark hair looked very sexy when it was wet and she turned her back to the full length mirror looking over her shoulder, assessing her sexy backside. She knew she could attract men; if only she would allow herself to be more relaxed and inviting.

Her beauty generated plenty of approaches of men desirous of her attention but her guarded temperament put them off time and time again. This contradiction forced Eva to channel her sexual life to exist, primarily in the form of fantasy.

Eva had high standards for her appearance and behavior and always went to an interview well prepared and professionally dressed. She had found a listing for a small marketing firm that was seeking an entry level staff person. Eva put on an expensive white silk blouse with a sheer bra underneath. She examined herself in the mirror to make sure her nipples did not show through the blouse. She put on a black thong and a gorgeous full-length black silk skirt. She pondered the expense of the outfit, knowing that she would be paying off her credit card for the next couple months.

Eva lived in a neighborhood with older style houses, fairly close together. She had regretted moving there because as it gained popularity many of the neighbors were having renovations done to their houses. She looked out the window and noticed the activity beginning to stir in the neighborhood; workmen arriving to start the daily commotion of landscaping and building.

Eva had her second cup of coffee and realized that she had not gotten the mail from yesterday; expecting some communication from a previous job interview. Anxious to hear the results, Eva headed for the door and out on the porch; fully focused on retrieving the mail. She found the letter she wanted but the early morning light was still too dim for her to read. Turning back toward the door, she reached for the doorknob and suddenly realized that she had locked herself out. Turning the knob a couple times, unsuccessfully; Eva realized that she would need to find another way into the house.

Walking to the side of the house she tried the side entrance, fully believing that she had locked the door the previous night. Her attempts to open this door confirmed her assumption. As Eva considered her situation she remembered that next to her adjoining garage door there was a very small window that allowed access for her dog. She had placed a wooden box next to the window so that the dog could jump up and out, gaining access through the garage to the main part of the house, as needed. Eva stepped up onto the wooden box and stared into the small open window. The light was peeking up over the horizon and she could see a little better.

Eva realized that the opening was so small that she needed to place both hands and arms through the narrow opening first, before attempting to pull the rest of her body through. Unfortunately, her frame was slightly big for the window and before getting to the snuggest part of the passageway, Eva was concerned about snagging her new silk blouse or getting it stained.

She carefully backed herself out of the window opening and looked around. Eva looked around at the other nearby houses. From this angle, she could not see any of the windows or doors at other houses, from which neighbors might be able to observe her next action. Eva carefully unbuttoned and slipped off her blouse and laid it on the nearby porch railing.

Then once again, she stepped up on the box and like a swimmer preparing for a dive, Eva put her hands together and pointed them through the small window frame and started to slide her body through the opening. Eva found it getting snug as her shoulders and underarms started to pass through the frame of the window. She pushed with her legs but the box was tenuous and she could not get any leverage. Unfortunately there was nothing she could grab inside to pull herself through. Even her petite frame was too big for the small window. She tried mecidiyeköy escort her best to jam her body forward. As she did she inched forward a bit but the box under her feet wiggled and she nearly lost her balance. She struggled and wiggled and started to feel the panic rise as she realized she was caught in a very awkward predicament.

The window was on the back corner of the garage so no one could see her from other houses, but anyone passing from the street might catch a glimpse of her legs. She hated the feeling of being trapped. She hollered and then realized what a mistake she had made. Anyone coming to help would see her without her top. She had hollered several times before realizing her mistake. Within moments, a worker arriving to work on the house next door had heard her pleas for help. He came running to the house to determine the cause of the noise.

Running up her driveway he could see part of her body, even before he rounded the corner. Her beautiful skirt was waving slightly back and forth as she struggled. He was momentarily confused by what he saw, almost laughing at the absurdity of seeing a body tightly packed into the small window. He thought his eyes were deceiving him. Here was a woman standing on a wooden box, bent forward at 90 degrees, with her head and shoulders jammed into a small window. He noticed that she was not wearing a top, only a bra. Her sensual breasts were covered by the bra, but they still swayed a bit with each shifting of her body. If his observation was correct, he could have sworn that he saw her nipples through the material.

He asked if she was okay and she responded, “Please help! This is so embarrassing. I can’t get out.”

He asked if she could move forward and she told him how difficult it was to maintain her balance and get any leverage while standing on the box. He examined the opening and advised her that her upper body was tight against the window frame. He asked her to push forward but as she did the box nearly slipped out from under her. He grabbed for her body and couldn’t help but make contact by wrapping his hands around her mid section. She gasped at the touch of his large rough hands, and he steadied her body and then relaxed his grip, momentary thinking about how soft and cool her skin felt. He suggested that he try and push her through. She paused, but agreed to have him try. The only way for him to push was to lean slightly against her ass, which was jutting out prominently. As he started to touch her she asked that he be careful of her skirt. He smiled and said, “I’ll do my best.”

The workman put his hands on Eva’s ass and pushed gently. He did this several times but each time the smooth Italian silk slid and he had a hard time keeping his grip. He said he could try and pull her out and she agreed that it might work better. Plus her arms and shoulders were aching, her back hurt and she was desperate to get out of this uncomfortable position.

The workman said, “Maam, I will have to wrap my arms around you in order to pull. I hope you don’t mind.” Eva agreed that it was the only way that he could help pull her out. She encouraged him to do whatever he needed. He was wearing a clean t-shirt and standing by her side, he wrapped his big arms and hands around her back and waist. She could feel his arms slide against her stomach and the underside of her breasts. The touch of his skin to hers was oddly reassuring and suddenly she felt him trying to tug. She wouldn’t budge.

After several attempts he said that it was too hard to get much leverage while standing at her side and that he would try again from behind. He went around behind observing her nice ass shielded in the black silk dress. Fortunately, Eva’s ass was elevated as a result of standing on the wooden box. Her ass was level with his belly and he took his burly hands and arms and wrapped them around her upper thighs, pulling her bottom into his torso. He readjusted his position a couple of times sliding his hands and arms up and down her legs, trying to position himself for the best leverage. Again he was unsuccessful. Eva was frustrated and embarrassed.

The workman introduced himself as Joe. He then said that he would be right back, and before Eva could respond he had disappeared. In minutes he had returned with two co-workers. Eva was mortified. It was bad enough that one person had seen her in a sheer bra, with her ass sticking out, but three was more than she could bear. The men couldn’t help but smile and laugh a little at the sight, and one looked at Joe, and lifted his eyebrows, and gave him the thumbs-up, signaling his admiration for Eva’s body.

They got down on their knees on either side of Eva and studied the situation to explore possible options. One man took his finger and tried to feel around her upper chest to see if there was any room. She squirmed as the man’s rough hand took liberties with her body. The upper part of her body was squeezed escort bayan taksim tight and it exaggerated the look of her breasts as they bulged from being squeezed by the window frame. Her breasts hung down in the sheer white bra. The workman couldn’t help admire her sensual body, and could see her nipples clearly from this vantage point. In any other circumstance he would have wanted his hands on Eva, but he knew how unfair it would be.

Given the issues of the wooden box the men suggested that they lift Eva off the box and hold her body horizontally, her front facing the ground. Once they had her elevated her lower body, they would try and pull her out. Placing hands under her stomach and legs, the three men carefully lifted her upward. Joe kicked the wooden box out of the way with his heavy steel-toed work boots. Once they were well positioned on either side of her, the three men counted to three and pulled. They thought her body moved a bit and Eva winced in pain as her body was stretched. Once again they asked her if she was ready and she agreed. They moved as quickly as they could due to her discomfort and this time tugged harder.

The pressure of pulling her body caused her to let out a small yell of pain, and suddenly two of the buttons on the side of Eva’s skirt pop off and the momentum sent two of the men falling clumsily to the ground accidentally stripping the skirt from her body. Joe was still standing and struggled to retain his balance and hold on to Eva. As the others regained their footing, their eyes got big realizing that Joe was holding a nearly naked woman; her ass at almost face-level, and legs fully extended and flailing. Eva let out a small scream and actually thought that her body had moved a bit before realizing that she was still fully lodged against the window frame.

Eva became aware that she could feel the bare skin of her legs against the arms of one of her rescuers. All three men examined her, not saying a word to the other. Each could feel himself stir with lust as they continued to look over her bare legs, thighs and ass cheeks. One of the workmen quickly regained his position and helped Joe lift Eva, while the other started to consider other options for getting her free. Considering the awkwardness of the situation, no one spoke about her skirt. Eva could feel her blood pressure rise as her embarrassment grew.

The men grew tired as they held Eva, frequently repositioning themselves. Their hands had to slide over her stomach and legs multiple times in order to readjust their grip. At one point when they had tugged a bit, one of the men’s hands had slid down her belly and into her thong all the way to the top of her mound. She squirmed as he struggled to quickly pull his hand back. As she wiggled she felt her mound grind against his hand, sending an electric sensation through her body. She couldn’t believe that she could have such thoughts at this time.

Having spent most of their time trying to pull Eva out of the garage window, Joe suggested that maybe trying to push Eva forward would be more successful. Joe theorized that if they could lubricate her upper body with vegetable oil, they might be able to help slide her forward. They agreed on this approach and Joe said it might take him a few minutes to run to corner store to get a bottle of vegetable oil.

The other two workmen said they would hold on, and smiled at one another as Joe left to search for oil. In Joe’s absence Eva could hear the other two men whispering to one another. They were laughing a little and she felt them jockeying her body about and then realized that only one man was holding her up. She heard a little laughter and the heard a noise that sounded familiar. Zzzzp, Zzzzp, Zzzzzp. Eva was trying to imagine what the faint noise was when suddenly realizing that they were using a cell phone to take pictures of her.

With each click, the aperture made its familiar whirring sound. Eva was mortified. Were they photographing her? She could tell by the shuffling and noises that one of the men had moved around her body from all angles. He was taking pictures while the other one posed for his opportunity to have her sensual body photographed in his arms, to be shared with friends later.

The men traded positions and the other man held Eva as his friend returned the opportunity to be photographed. They seemed to experiment with different angles. Her thong did little to cover her ass and with just one man holding her body, her legs hung down and were spread a bit. The photographer stood behind her and took several shots. Eva squeezed her legs together trying to hide her body and her embarrassment. She could tell that the man with the camera knelt down underneath her and took several more shots of her dangling breasts covered only by the sheer bra. She was hopeful that her nipples did not show too much.

Within 15 minutes Joe returned and saw what the guys were doing. Eva heard escort him laugh and say, “Give me back my phone.”

The other guys groaned and said, “Joe you better share that phone.” All laughed and returned their attention to the task at hand. As they assessed the situation Eva was grateful that the men seemed to revert back to a slightly more professional approach. They talk things over with Eva, as she shouted out her agreement to what was being proposed. She begged them to hurry as she was feeling weak and in agony from being squeezed by the window frame and from being jostled about.

They had agreed to try and lubricate Eva’s upper body and push her into the garage and then pull back. The alternating motion would allow the lubricant to work its way between her skin and the wooden widow frame. Joe said he would apply the oil. The other two men stood on either side of Eva as Joe poured the vegetable oil into his large rough hands and then rubbed it all over her upper back and around the shoulders. He then kneeled and poured the lubricant in his hand and rubbed it over her upper chest. He felt himself stir as his hands rubbed over the fleshy part of her upper breasts. He pushed his oily fingers up around her throat and neck and rubbed it all over her underarms as best he could.

The sensation felt wonderful to Eva as he worked his strong hands and fingers into her tired muscles. The men then tugged on Eva working her forward and then back. A slight movement could be detected. As they pushed forward and then quickly back Eva’s breasts shook. They did this several times with Eva moaning in pain as they worked on extracting her body. The residual oil on Joe’s hands was being rubbed all over her legs and body as he continually repositioned himself.

Joe suggested adding more oil to her upper body and applied it again to her back. In the morning sun he could see her pale skin shimmering in the light, reflecting the light coating of oil. The other two men ogled her body and the fleshy cheeks of her ass. The men complained that her body was hard to hold because of the oil and they struggled to find an area of her body without lubricant. The men positioned themselves on either side of Eva, with two of them wrapping their arms and hands around her upper thigh, spreading her legs to get a better grip. Their fingers pressed against the warm soft skin near her pussy. With each move, their fingers shifted, flicking against her thong and feeling the heat of pussy.

As Joe leaned forward to rub the oil around Eva’s chest, he did not look at what he was touching. He applied the thick oil, his hands accidentally rubbing over Eva’s breasts. He immediately slowed his hand realizing that one of her breasts must have been shaken out of her bra. The nipple responded to the oil and his rough hands. It grew erect and Eva was again mortified that she had been touched. He quickly withdrew his hand but not before rubbing the nipple several more times, coating it with the thick clear oil. Joe mumbled a couple of words of apology to Eva.

Once more the men pushed Eva forward and back and then with one big tug backward; she came slipping out the window frame. Eva’s arms were unbearably stiff and painful, having held them straight out for over an hour. Her back hurt and the men gently seated her on the wooden box. With all attempts at vanity set aside, and in order to contend with the wracking ache in her body, they seated Eva on the nearby wooden box.

The men stood back and admired her; those beautiful breasts with large pink nipples both of which had popped out of her bra. She sat there, eyes closed, legs slightly apart, and thong tightly outlining the lips of her pussy. In the morning light the remnants of the oil ran down her chest and Joe noticed that on her right breasts the oil dripped off the tip of her erect nipple, one drip at a time. Her tight stomach heaved in and out as she recovered her breath. She carefully lowered her arms as she tried to get them the cramps to subside. Joe realized her predicament and gently took one arm and then the other lowering them gently rubbing her shoulders as he moved them back to a normal position.

Joe suggested that one of the workmen would break a window into the house and get her inside so that she could recover. They would be back later to help make repairs. One man went off to break the window and get the door open. The other stood and stared at Eva admiring her sensual body. Once her arms were lowered she had recovered enough to open her eyes and suddenly realize that she was fully exposed.

Eva looked up at the worker and realized that he was staring between her legs. Her thong was still in place and pulled tight over her mound. There was a large wet spot created by how they had touched her body. She could see the lips budging, outlined under the tight fabric. Even in her recovering state Eva’s face flushed red with embarrassment and she quickly clamped her legs shut and asked to get inside the house. The other man came through the door having broken the window. He came out with a light summer coat and wrapped it around Eva’s shoulders. They helped her into the house.

(Author’s note:Chapter three will be done within a week)

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