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All participants are over the age of 18. All resemblance to any real event is preposterous. Join me in my fantasy.
As I stood in front of my classroom I fought with myself whether or not to just give in to my students end-of-school-itis. It was an unusually warm spring day in late May and every eyelid in front of me was drooping. To be honest, mine were too.
There was no air-conditioning. Normally we didn’t need it. Temperatures in the 90s were rare for our small mountain town, even in August, let alone May. So it was stuffy in the classroom and all of the incumbent smells of a room full of teenagers were ripening by the minute.
I wrinkled my nose a bit and pushed my glasses back on my nose where they belonged and cleared my throat. Grace gave me her attention but as I looked around the room most heads were being propped up by hands attached to arms whose elbows were anchored to desktops.
With a sigh I pushed myself backwards and then atop my desk, aware that in doing so the filmy sun dress I wore was going to rise dangerously high. I couldn’t help myself. I was hot and drained of energy. My little dress was pushing the teacher dress code a bit but I knew I wasn’t alone in wearing as little as possible today. We had all talked about it yesterday. It was just too hot.
The students were the same. Some of the girls were even more daring in their attire, bras showing in the arm openings of tank tops and barely there skirts or short shorts were everywhere. The boys, too, had on tanks or T’s and shorts. Everyone was in sandals of some sort, me included.
In an effort to make my sun dress look less like beach wear and more like professional attire my sandals were wedges with 4 inch heels. I liked tall heels. Even when wearing a more professional suit skirt or slacks I always wore at least 3 inches. It helped me maintain some respect and authority over the more sizable boys. My 5’10” frame became 6’2″ in my 4 inch heels and I easily matched or surpassed the height of most of these developing men. I could still look them in the eye when I needed to take them to task.
But the truth is I like the heels because they made my toned, long legs even shapelier. Eyes were drawn to my firm ass when accentuated by the sexy shoes I wore. I worked hard to keep my 36 year old body looking this good so I was going to show it off a little, dammit.
A fresh breeze gave a momentary reprieve to the heat as it puffed through the open windows. A few of the girls sighed as they felt it. I noticed Katherine’s nipples perk a bit and I smiled.
“That felt good, didn’t it?” I asked, giving up the pretense of productivity for a moment. A few moans and nods of heads in assent sprinkled through the room.
Grace, of course my Grace, voiced her agreement with a cheery, “Oh yes, Miss Emory! It felt soooo good!”
She did like my attention, mine even more than some of the other teachers’, so the lounge gossip said.
I escort bayan topkapı looked her way and she stretched her plump, red lips into a smile. Her sassy cut of blonde hair perfectly focused your attention on her perfectly beautiful face. Her perfectly proportioned breasts, pushed forward with her perfect posture. Her tank top hugged her form in the most appealing way. Its thin pink material revealed the scalloped outlines of her demi-bra dangerously close to where her nipples must be. Perfectly sexy.
My eyes were drawn to her legs swaying beneath the desk. They were, of course, perfect! Smooth and tan, they disappeared beneath the much too high hem of her white tennis skirt. Her feet were slightly behind her knees under the chair, one hooked behind the other as she swayed her knees back and forth.
Suddenly, she unhooked her feet and brought them forward, slightly parting her thighs. I looked up. Her eyes met mine, twinkled for a moment, and then darted downward drawing my gaze back to her legs. They parted a bit more. I looked to her eyes and quickly back down not quite believing what I just saw.
In that briefest of glimpses I could see all the way up to the meeting of her thighs and I could swear that I saw the luscious folds of her pussy beginning their perfect flowering.
I looked to her eyes again. They gleamed with mischief, as did her smile. And then, to my surprise, her tongue touched the corner of her mouth and made a languid trip across her upper lip. It glistened with new moisture.
What seemed like an electric surge traveled from my nipples to my sex. The tingling touched off a bit of a chain reaction. My nipples stiffened. My vaginal lips began to engorge. I could feel a bit of moisture in the crevice where they met.
I was more than a bit flustered. No girl or woman ever before caused that reaction in me. I looked down and saw the flush I felt spreading across my chest. I bit my lower lip, grabbed a few papers from the desk and fanned myself briefly. I shifted on the desk causing my own legs to part slightly with the motion.
I realized I had been quiet for far too long and looked out across the room and saw more than a few eyes now bright and focused, focused on me. I stammered a brief, “Excuse me,” and attempted to move on with the lesson.
Many of those eyes began to droop again, except Grace’s. I tried not to look at her because I knew I was going to see her impish grin again. And I knew that it would fluster me anew.
So I looked elsewhere until my eyes landed on another student. Of course it had to be Seth. The only boy, man, whose imposing presence managed to break through my usual confidence with students. Seth’s eyes seemed to be focused on my knees still slightly parted as I sat on the desk.
I glanced down and noticed that the flared hem of my flowered dress had slipped up my thighs a bit showing quite a bit of my own smooth, tanned flesh.
I escort bayan ümraniye looked back at Grace. She was staring at my legs, too. Gone was her teasing smirk. Sensually parted lips were there in its place.
I closed my legs but felt them squeeze my now fully engorged lips pleasurably. I could feel the gusset of my French cut panties dampening. Dampening, hell they were becoming soaked and I knew the bright yellow color of the satiny fabric was turning dark.
My god, I was embarrassed but totally thrilling to this forbidden pleasure as well.
I glanced around the room. More eyes were on me as I fidgeted on my desk, the flared edge of my dress inching its way even higher.
I looked back at Seth. His lips were curled into a smile but his eyes were smoldering. I could almost feel those deep black orbs undressing me.
I stared at him. I couldn’t help myself. I touched my fingers to my throat. It was hot and dampening with a fine sheen of sweat. His eyes flicked up to mine and then dropped to my breasts. I knew that’s where they went. Where else have a man’s eyes gone whenever I was near one.
I wasn’t the biggest in that department but I drew enough stares. I could feel my nipples trying to push their way through my brassiere. It was a thin one, because of the heat. I had a feeling they were making tiny tents in the fabric of my dress, as well. I didn’t dare confirm my suspicions.
I just kept staring at Seth and I did my own undressing of him. His sculpted body revealed itself to my imagination. His tight T-shirt vanished in my mind’s eye leaving the definition of his chest and abs open to my mental gaze.
My eyes fluttered. I shook my head slightly in an attempt to clear it. I shook it again with bit of a flip so the drooping strands of my auburn locks came off my overwarm shoulders. I fanned my neck with my hand, licked my own ruby lips and tried to cover my agitated condition with a smile.
“Whew!” I said as I casually undid the top button of my scoop necked frock and fanned some more. “Can’t wait to get out of here, can we?”
A general noise of moans, “Me either” and “Let’s go” rose up in the stale room but fell almost immediately back into my near trance.
Glancing to Seth’s lap, seeing his legs parted wide as he slouched in his seat, revealed a most impressive bulge. My glance became a stare.
God, I’m going to hell.
His hand moved to his crotch. His thumb was dragged across that bulge. Oh my god, he’s hard … and huge!
A tiny moaned slipped through my lips. I hoped it was small enough to escape notice. A quick look around the room made that hope seem unfounded.
They were all staring at me now, boys and girls/men and women, alike. Grace, I noticed, was tugging at her skirt, slipping it up, making room for her pink tipped nails to tease her clearly glistening slit.
I closed my eyes and sighed, my fingers still playing with the bayan escort upper buttons of this damned, confining piece of cloth.
Oops! Another button open, the crease of my cleavage making an appearance.
Now all the eyes, I swear it, all the eyes were on my chest. Seth was licking his lips. Grace was biting hers. Katherine’s perky nipples reappeared. Everyone was squirming a bit in their seats, more than one person’s hand had found its way between their legs.
Seth was stroking his impressive shaft brazenly now. Grace had her eyes closed with a fingertip dancing across her clit. I longed to be doing the same … or more.
I slipped another button through its slot, clearly having lost my mind. No attempt to even pretend to teach was being made. Everyone was overcome by overheated, twisted minds.
I took a deep ragged breath and slid my legs wider on my desk. I could feel sweat under my legs and I swear that’s why the slipped so easily and so far apart. Everyone could see my damp yellow panties now. I didn’t care. I wanted their eyes on me now. Their eager, hungry stares were spurring me on, heightening my arousal, theirs too. The sounds of deep breaths confirmed that.
I let a sandal slip from my left foot. The clapping noise as it hit the floor made us all jump a bit but soon we were again entranced by … what … the heat? Sure, it was the gooey, over-warm air.
As if they had minds of their own, my hands performed miracles, each at different ends. One set of slim, manicured fingers popped two more buttons free on the bodice of my dress and then undid the front enclosure of my bra, as well. It soon found my left nipple and pinched firmly.
At the same time the other hand pushed under my dress and then the frail yellow cloth beneath to find my slit. It went farther. It slipped blessedly inside those slippery folds.
I was so close. Two fingers inside my pussy now. My thumb flicked against my clit.
I peered through heavily lidded eyes at grace. She held my gaze, head slightly back, mouth hanging open sexily.
I arched my back and moaned.
Grace closed her eyes and groaned loudly. Her body jerked and spasmed. Her knees slammed shut on her hand.
Seth made an ungodly sound and every head swiveled to him. He clenched. I noted the spread of dampness across his shorts.
I moaned again, higher, louder.
Then I shrieked. My hand was flooded.
The class collectively gasped.
The bell rang!
My body jumped at the jangling intrusion. My mind snapped to attention. My embarrassment spread through my body. I’m sure my blush was from head to toe.
I quickly tried to assemble myself while telling the class they were dismissed.
No one moved as I buttoned up my dress, the slippery fingers of my left hand slowing progress. In an attempt to hurry things along I left my bra unclasped beneath.
I looked again at my students. “You are dismissed!” I said with a bit more force.
They slowly began to gather themselves and head for the door.
Now back in command, I said, “No one is to say anything! Anything at all!”
I feared the worst but hoped for the best as they all mumbled their goodbyes.
“Seth? Grace? A word please …
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