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An Awesome Experience

Kategori: Genel

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We had been alone in the hotel room for one hour before we heard the knock on the door. We had spent most of this time looking at each other anxiously, wondering whether we were doing the right thing. It was tense. It was exciting. The night was but young. The two men we were waiting for were hopefully as excited and nervous as us, although they did sound a little more confident in organising the whole evening. We met them through an online swingers service, and the rest was history. It didn’t take long for them to ease us into it, and hey, at the end of the day we were willing and able. They had emailed us their pictures, and you had decided they were physically attractive to you. Both of them were experienced swingers, and when we arrived at the hotel at midnight, we saw they had carefully planned every step.

The hotel room featured an open bathroom with a shower and spa, separated by a slightly frosted glass door. The room was centred round the king sized bed, and it was clear this room was the honeymoon suite. Several bunches of fresh long stemmed roses filled the air with a gentle perfume. A package awaited us on the bed. A note: instructing us to light the candles spread around the room in a number of candelabras, and indicating that there was an outfit for you to change into inside the closet. There was also 3 bottles of champagne, one of which I had opened almost as soon as I laid eyes on it! I poured us a glass each and inspected the wardrobe. As they said, there was an outfit hanging on a hanger. Cautiously, you walked over to me, and shut the door.

“I don’t want to put this on yet.” You said, sipping your champagne for extra courage.

We had but half an hour until they were to arrive, at a little after 12.30am. They were at a work function, and as they both seemed very wealthy, we assumed they would be spending the night kissing corporate ass.

We sat on the bed together, drinking and giggling at our predicament. I got up and started to light the candles, whilst making idle conversation to help ease our nerves. After a little while I went out onto the balcony and surveyed the city views from our rooftop suite. You explained you were going to shower and get changed, and as all the candles were lit, there was only one thing left to do. I came back inside and placed Marvin Gaye in the CD player, to which we both laughed as you disappeared into the bathroom.

Standing outside drawing the cool smoke of my cigarette I listened to the shower beating down inside. I thought of how apprehensive you first were at this idea, and then relished the slow discovery that this fantasy turned you on beyond anything we had ever constructed. I remembered the way you would tell this fantasy in bed, and the manner in which you slowly evolved it until it was mind-shatteringly erotic! I recalled the way you would orgasm harder and harder as you told the story, which was originally just for my benefit. It didn’t take long for this fantasy to belong to us both. Then, almost before we could get our heads around it, it was becoming reality.

As I heard the shower turn off, I walked back inside and drew the curtains, then dimmed the lights so they matched the warm glow of the many candles burning. I heard you fumbling and giggling from the bathroom, indicating your amusement at your chosen attire. I poured us another glass of champagne, and sat light-headed on the bed. You emerged from the steamy bathroom a sight from which I could not steer my eyes. You stood awkwardly, laughing at yourself, yet to me, you looked incredible. Understated. Sexy. Elegant. Divine.

You had on a white satin gown that barely covered your butt, which you had left open to reveal to me what was inside. A white lacy bra that was so see through I could see your nipples quite clearly, as well as the fact that they were extremely erect. Your underwear was a matching g-string, which was equally as transparent. I had to contain myself as I had an erection begging to be freed from my pants. Your legs and feet were bare, and as you walked to me, my jaw was on the floor as we embraced. You drank another glass of champagne and tied your robe at the front. I could almost see your butt as you stood and walked to the mini-bar for the second bottle.

Then the door knocked.

You looked at me with a look of apprehension, and I gave you a wink as I whispered across the room to you.

“Take a seat.”

You sat on the edge of the bed, sitting up straight with your bare legs and feet hanging over the side of the bed, facing the door as I walked over and opened it. The two men were standing outside, smelling of expensive aftershave and dressed to kill. I shook their hands and ushered them in. They walked straight up to you and introduced themselves. You had seen their pictures before, but nothing had prepared you for the reality of seeing vip escort them standing before you. Your face was softly blushed, and I knew why.

John was first to greet you. He was in his early 30s, dressed in a fine black suit, and was a little taller than me. He was clean-shaven, with an olive complexion and dark hair. He looked like he attended a gym, without being too huge. He was handsome, in a subtle way, and exuded the calm energy of someone preparing to be in his element.

Glen was next. He was a little shorter and a little less solid. He was slightly younger, and had a fairer complexion. He too wore a suit, which looked tailor made, fitting like a glove. He handshake was gentle and reassuring, the look in his eye, however, as he looked you over, suggested he was already thinking about what you looked like beneath your robe.

You were blushing at the sight of these two, and your heart was racing. Both men complimented you on your beauty. They remarked at the glow of your skin, and the overall loveliness of your shape. John sat down on the bed by your side and asked us if we found everything was in order. We both agreed the place was fantastic, and I nervously (and a little stupidly) joked that the champagne was even better! Glen laughed and kicked off his shoes, before climbing on the bed and sitting behind you. I had noticed your chest already starting to blush slightly, and I knew this was going to be one hell of a night. My pants were nearing the point of explosion yet again.

Glen moved his hands up and began massaging your neck and shoulders. You looked at me and I gave you a wink, and then your eyes fell shut instantly. John stood up and began telling us about their crazy night, and how much they looked forward to meeting you when it was all over. Glen added to the conversation, and they discussed their excitement for the evening, and how much they had laboured over the photos we sent them of you. Both men were very calming, and neither seemed too pushy or demanding. John had also mentioned that at any time if any of us wanted to slow things down, or had changed our minds, all we had to do was say so. With your eyes still closed, you uttered a sound that revealed you were not concerned at the moment, and as your shoulders eased under Glen’s hands, John smiled from ear to ear. You didn’t see him, but he had stood up in front of you and begun to undress. I sat silently in the kitchenette already ready to orgasm!

When you opened your eyes, John had sat down at your feet. He was now bare-chested, and wore nothing but his pants. He had a gym fit body, and a good tan. I watched your eyes gazing at his body. He slid forward and put your feet in his lap, the heels of your feet resting squarely in his groin. He took one foot and began to massage. You were clearly becoming more and more relaxed by the moment. John kissed your feet, and you laughed softly.

Meanwhile, Glen was still rubbing your shoulders, and he moved forward on the bed, placing a leg on either side of you from behind, sitting so his groin pressed into you from behind. You could feel the bulge in his pants straight away, and he made sure you noticed by gyrating slowly at the base of your back. He massaged you slowly and deliberately, taking special care to move his fingertips across the tops of your breasts from around your shoulders as he kneaded your flesh.

Then he leant forward and began kissing your neck. After a moment of hesitation, I saw you sigh at the sensation as he nibbled your ears. I do not know whether it was a combination of the champagne and the heat in the room, but you had relaxed totally, and he slid his arms around your sides and held you close to him. He moaned with delight as he caressed your stomach, and slowly undid your gown, pulling it down over your arms in one very gentle movement, kissing your shoulders and arms as he did so. Your hard nipples were very obvious, and both men took delight in staring at them. After touching your stomach for some time, Glen slid his hands onto your breasts and cupped them lightly, and then began slowly caressing them. His pace quickened, and he was rolling his hands round you breasts, working all of your tension up into your nipples. You let you head fall back onto his chest and he slid his hands inside and grabbed each of your nipples, pulling gently. I could see his hands moving around inside your bra and I was getting so hard! When you inhaled and your chest rose, he cupped your bare breasts, working his way to your nipples over and over. He moved his hands out of your bra, leaving your breasts fully covered, and reached around behind you and unclipped it. You had started to moan softly yourself, as he slid the bra and your gown over your arms in one effort. Your bare breasts were now exposed and John stopped what he was doing to stare and compliment gecelik escort you. You smiled with your eyes shut. You were sitting now with your breasts fully exposed, naked but for a tiny g-string.

Glen moved slowly away, stood up, and began undressing. He stripped to his satin boxers, and whispered to you.

“Rachel, open your eyes. Look at me, please.”

You opened your eyes and saw him standing to your side as you sat on the bed, your feet still in John’s lap. You noticed he too was quite fit and toned, but a little slimmer then John. He also had a huge erection throbbing inside his boxers. I noticed then, as I am sure he did, that you couldn’t take your eyes off this bulge. He grinned and spoke.

“Rachel, why don’t you stand up for us?”

You looked a little surprised. Maybe even a little delirious. With a sigh you shrugged and got to your feet, and walked to the middle of the room. As you walked, John touched your bare bottom as you passed him.

“Wow….” Said John as he reached up and sat on the bed; “please turn around.”

You stood with your back to them, the tiny g-string disappearing up between your cheeks. Your toes twinkled with delight and nervous anticipation.

“OK, now let’s see you, gorgeous.” Said Glen as he sat down on the bed beside John.

You turned around covering your breasts.

“Aw, c’mon, show us!” Glen laughed. You lifted your arms and placed your hands behind your head and revealed your breasts to them.

Both men stared intensely. Neither could speak. They merely groaned at your beauty; remarking on the incredible shape of your body, peaking at the perfect breasts that were now fully exposed to them. I too was about to explode as I watched you stand there, revealing yourself to them.

“Rachel, won’t you please come over here and lay with us” Said John, as both men moved up onto the bed, allowing space in the middle for you. You walked up and crawled on the bed, your breasts swaying naturally, and you turned to lie between them. The smell of sexual tension was so thick in the air you could almost taste it.

You lay on your back with one man on either side of you. Glen, sitting on your right, leant in and began kissing your neck. He whispered something into your ear, and you started to blush, and put your hands above your head. He began kissing your neck again, moving to your chest, and soon he had your nipple in his mouth. I saw your toes twinkle as the nipple disappeared into his mouth. Your back arched slightly, as he suckled long and hard at your nipple. As he let it go, I saw it was very red, and very swollen with sexual arousal.

John, in the meantime, had got up off the bed and taken off his pants. He was wearing jocks, and the outline of his throbbing erection was very apparent. Both men had very large bulging erections, begging, as was mine, to be free and explore your body. He moved back onto the bed, sitting at your feet, and took hold of your ankles. He parted your legs slightly and gently. He then leant forward, placing his strong arms on either side of your legs, and began kissing your inner thighs. I could hear your breathing becoming heavier, and your hips started to involuntarily move up and down. He started kissing you legs with an open mouth, running his tongue over your now ultra-sensitive inner thighs. Your breathing had become louder and he moved forward and began to kiss your vagina through your g-string. Glen sat up, watching John’s tongue running between your legs, soaking your g-string. He looked at you with your arms above your head, giving him full access to your breasts, and began kneading both boobs, stopping to lean in and suck on each nipple occasionally. Glen reached forward and took your right hand. He kissed it, and placed it between his legs. Immediately you began stroking his penis through his boxers. It was almost popping out of the top of his boxers. Your hand slid up and down his shaft, and he started to moan as you caressed him.

John sat upright and parted your legs even further. He put his fingers under your g-string, motioning to pull them down, and I saw you arch you back, to enable him to take them off. He slid them down slowly, staring between your legs at your now quite moist vagina. He slid them off your feet, and kissed his way up from your ankles to your inner thighs to your vagina, all the time staring between your legs. His mouth opened up and he slid his tongue straight inside you. I heard you sigh aloud, and watched you moving your hips to meet his eager mouth. Your eyes opened and turned to your right, and your right hand had reached inside Glen’s boxers and was trying to reveal his penis. You carefully pulled it free of his boxers, and stared at it. He kneeled up and took them off, his penis inches from your face. Your eyes stared intensely at his cock. It eskort was easily 8″ long and very thick. I saw your eyes widen. I felt both a twinge of embarrassment and a shit-load of arousal as he sat back down and you began to wank him. Your hand slid up and down faster and faster as he fondled your boobs, this time slightly roughly as you squeezed his penis from shaft to knob.

I was ready to cum watching you stroke his large penis, and I wasn’t the only one feeling the excitement. Glen let go of your breasts, which were quite patchy from your arousal levels going through the roof, moved forward and onto his knees thrusting his penis into the direction of your face. It was inches away, standing straight from his body and fully erect, throbbing at you. I saw you study it closely, then close your eyes and lean your head forward, opening your lips and placing his large knob into your mouth. He groaned aloud as he moved closer, enabling you to take more of him between your lips. You reached up and held his large penis, your hand stroking the shaft, whilst the head was in your mouth. I saw your tongue licking under his knob whilst it was in your mouth, and heard the sound of you sucking him quite hard.

I could barely contain myself as I watched you pull more and more of his penis into your mouth. You couldn’t possibly take it all, but you were taking as much as you were comfortable, stroking his shaft whilst doing so. All the while, John was vigorously licking your clit, his head moving with the rhythm of your hips, and driving his tongue deep inside you.

I heard your orgasm first.

John was unprepared for your hips to be moving as crazily as they did. Your wrapped your left hand around his head, and you pulled his mouth harder toward your vagina. You pulled Glen’s penis out of your mouth, closed your eyes and groaned through one enormous orgasm, whilst John licked you even more vigorously. Your hand was stroking Glen’s cock faster and faster while you came, causing pre-cum to ooze from his knob. As you came down off your orgasm, you opened your eyes and looked at his cock. You slowed down your hand, carefully squeezing all his fluids out to the surface and you ran your finger over his wet knob. His pre-cum oozed out, and you began running your tongue over his knob as you licked it up and swallowed it. Your eyes looked up into his as you put his cock back into your mouth as your breathing clamed, your eyes falling gently shut.

John moved up your stomach and began kissing your navel. I could see how wet you had become between your legs, with your clit enlarged and very red. Your chest was slightly red and patchy, covered by a thin film of sweat. John licked your right nipple as Glen twisted your left nipple, his penis still in your mouth. I didn’t know how much longer I could take this sexual excitement without an orgasm similar in magnitude to yours.

John moved off the bed and spoke to you.

“Rachel, I want you to undress me.” He said and stood at the right side of the bed, his back facing me. You took Glen’s penis out of your mouth and stroked it a couple of times. It was rock hard and glistening with your saliva. You sat up and moved to the side of the bed, with your feet hanging over the edge.

You reached inside his jocks, and put your left hand around his throbbing penis. You pulled them down slowly with your right hand, whilst holding his penis with your left. Once they were at his knees they dropped to the floor. You looked up as he stepped out of them and his manhood was revealed. This man had a huge penis, perhaps a full 9″ erect, and it stood straight out pointing at you. It was inches from your mouth as you reached up and started to gently caress his balls.

He reached forward and stroked your cheek, commenting on how beautiful he thought you were, and how lucky they were that you had agreed to their liaison that night. You smiled and put both hands around his ample penis. You began moving them in unison, stroking his long thick shaft, slowly and deliberately, taking time to look closely at this huge penis. Glen stood up and walked to John’s side, thrusting his penis in your direction also. You put your right hand around Glen’s cock, and began stroking both men. They both groaned aloud as your hands increased the speed. John leant forward and pushed the large head of his penis against your lips. You opened your mouth and began flicking your tongue over the base of his knob, then took his knob inside, licking all around as it throbbed under your tongue. Glen leant forward also, and thrust his already very well sucked penis toward your face. You stopped sucking on John’s cock and took Glen’s penis into your mouth also. Whilst you were sucking on Glen’s cock, John thrust his into your face again, and soon you held both penises’ at your lips, licking them together and swapping between them as you put each briefly into your mouth. Both men were simultaneously reaching forward and grabbing your boobs. Your nipples were rock hard and very red as they pulled them gently.

Do you want to know what happened next?

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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