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Kissing Cousins (Part One)

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Kissing Cousins (Part One)Jessica and I had always been kissing cousins growing up. We never really saw each other that much, except on family visits. As k**s we would cuddle up together watching television, find some reason to be alone away from the adults so we could hug and kiss. Looking back on it now it seems so innocent. But back then I remember how excited I was by it all. In truth my cousin was the first girl I ever kisses. And if truth be told, Jess was the source of many of my masturbation sessions as I grew up. As we grew up I would have less and less fantasies of Jessica, but when we do see each other they seem to come flooding back. Jess and I seem to have an unspoken agreement about what we did as k**s. We don’t talk about it very much. As a matter of fact we only seem to talk about it when our parents bring it up in old stories at family reunions for giggles. When that happens we both just seem to roll our eyes and play it off as just k**s being k**s. But we both know better.Jessica had always been slender and statuesque. Her skin was more tan then mine, and she always wore her hair long. She was a princess in my eyes growing up. Her hair was always soft and wavy. Her make-up was never overdone. She was the type who took pride in how she looked.So here we are many years later and I’m nervous as hell. It was the day before Christmas and my family was coming over for the night so we could open our presents in the morning. family Christmas was a bit of a tradition in my family. The thing that was different this year was that my aunt, her husband, and my first cousin Jessica were coming this year. They hadn’t come for Christmas in years due to the fact they were Jehovah witnesses. They had left the church over 2 years ago now and just celebrated Christmas for the first time in ages last year. This year they wanted to do it right with family they said.Like every year, I had arrived early to my grandmother’s home. My dad was already there and helped me bring in the presents and groceries I had brought. My father and I made small talk about what was new in our lives, and I kissed my grandmother on the cheek as we brought everything in. Dad immediately turned on the television and started talking to his mom. I however excused myself and made my way to the kitchen. I had taken over the traditional spot of cooking Christmas dinner several years ago, and was now putting things away in the fridge or setting other things to the side. Thus I began the familiar dance of doing the prep work for tomorrow night’s dinner. As it was, time moved along rather quickly in the house as the three of us talked. Dad and grandmother in the family room, and me in the kitchen, across from them. By the time my aunt and her family arrived I had two pies in the oven for tomorrow’s desert and Jell-O settling in the fridge. I was just starting on cutting up some of the vegies when the doorbell rang. Dad answered the door and greeted everyone. First my aunts husband Paul, then my aunt Patricia, and finally my cousin Jessica. As soon as the doorbell had rung my nerves went into overdrive. I hadn’t seen Jess in over 15 years now. She was a year older than me and we were both in our late 30’s. Everyone took turns greeting each other as snow was kicked off of boots and bodies shuffled out of heavy coats. It was hard to be polite to everyone when I first saw Jess. All those memories came flooding back of our c***dhood. But what was even worse is, she had become a full grown woman. Now she wasn’t just a girl playing dress up. Her hips were parted as only a woman’s ever can be. Her legs looked tone and fit in her tight fitting jeans. Her hair was still long and wavy. And her green eyes sparked to life when she caught me looking her over. “Tray” she exclaimed as she took three quick steps towards me and wrapped her arms around me for a full body hug. That’s when I took note of her tits. Growing up jess developed late in life, and I guess I had missed out. She easily had a C or B cup. Not too big and not too small. We hugged each other like old friends, and Jess pressed her soft breast into my ribs. Jess only stood about 5’4” tall , and I’m a good 6’ tall. So I was left with resting my chin on the top of her head almost.The next thing that happened was my head started to swirl as I caught the scent of her vanilla perfume. And I felt my dick jump in my pants. What the hell? Goofing around as k**s is one thing but Jess, and me are almost 40. There is no way I should be having this kind of reaction to my cousin. “It’s good to see you Tray. How yah been”? Jess let go of her embrace and looked up at me for an answer. Stupidly all I could muster was. “Never better”. Aunt Patricia called out to Jessica and she spun on her heals to bahis siteleri join the others. With left me holing my own so to speak in the kitchen. I figured I would put it out of my mind and get back to finishing the prep work for tomorrow’s dinner.Soon I was done in the kitchen and joining the others in the living room. My father and my aunt’s husband were discussing sports. Grandma and Aunt Patricia were talking about some of the improvements that Aunt Patricia had made to their families home. That left Jessica, who was sitting near her own mother and our grandmother. She was listing to the conversation between the two older ladies, and chiming in with her own comments from time to time. Jess took note of my presence as I approached, and smiled her sweet smile at me as I waited to politely interrupt my grandmother’s conversation.“Sorry to interrupt you two, but I just wanted to let you know grandma… I have to run to the store for a few things I forgot for tomorrow’s dinner”. “Ok dear”. Grandma said, and then I heard jess behind me ask if I minded if she tagged along. “Shure I could use the company”. Smiling, jess jumped out of her seat and said “great! Just give me a second to get changed. If I’m headed back out into the snow I want to put on something a bit warmer and dryer”. “No problem, the store doesn’t close till 11 tonight any how” I said. “Great, be right back”. And off she went. Grabbing her suitcase and heading towards the other end of the house. “Mind if I get changed in your room grandma”? Jess didn’t wait for an answer before the door was shutting behind her.About 20 minutes later, Jessica came back. My jaw dropped when I saw her. She had put on a new set of tight fitting jeans, and a soft white, almost fluffy looking, sweater hoodie combo., that showed off the shape of her still round firm tits. Dumbstruck, I watched as she assessed my reaction. A reaction I had no way of even trying to hide. I could only hope the other didn’t notice, but Jess Shure did. Jess began to put her hips to good use as she swayed them back and forth ever so slightly with each step she took towards the front door where everyone’s boots where lined up in a neat row. Then, turning her back to me, and spreading her legs like she was about to be frisked by some police officer. She bent over to give me a long good look at her hart shaped ass. As she leaned over to pick up her boots, Jess looked back at me over her shoulder and wiggled her ass at me teasingly. The smirk on her face was both one that was playful, and dared me to do something.Unable to believe what was happening, I just sat there and watched. This time my cock did more than just jump in my pants. Now it was doing everything it could to burst right through the fabric of my jeans. Jessica, with boots in hand, moved to her seat across from mine and slowly stretched out her left leg. The fabric of her own jeans was tight against her skin and showed off the shape her legs in all their glory. Then she slipped her small foot into her boot slowly and deliberately. The whole time she never took her eyes off me. She kept eye contact the whole time. Only breaking it to look down between my legs, to the lump in the front of my pants. I was in shock. I couldn’t believe what was happening, and right in the open in front of the rest of our family. Thank god they seemed to busy visiting with each other to notice this little display. Slipping on her other boot, jess got up and moved across the room to the closet. Grabbing both her own coat and mine. Then crossing the room deliberately, she tossed my coat onto my lap. If she hadn’t tossed me my coat like that I would never have been able to stand up and go to the store. Everyone would get a front row seat to the tent I was pitching.Standing up, I held my coat in front of my crotch to hide my hard-on. Feeling a little more than awkward, I stepped past Jessica and said, “Be right back. I got to get a sweater and put my boots on”. I then made my way to the spare bedroom. I kept a few items of my own here seeing as I came over every week to visit my grandma. Rummaging through the dresser I found a heavy sweater I knew would fit. Then I sat down on the foot of the bed and pulled the sweater over my head. After putting my sweater on I just sat there for a moment. I had a million things going through my head. First off I was embarrassed as hell that Jessica had obviously seen the lump in my pants as I looked her over like a starved a****l, salivating over a meal. Worst was what if the display I thought she was putting on for my benefit was not as intentional as I thought it was. God, Jessica and her family were going to be in town for the next five days. If I had miss read things I was going to end up eating crow from canlı bahis Jess all week. If not, I knew I would end up jerking off almost every day just to keep my urges in check. That or I was going to end up with the worst case of blue balls this side of the boarder. I knew there was no way jess and I would take it beyond anything more than pushing each other’s buttons, but I had been single for over two years now and seeing her again was bringing back a lot of memories of us as k**s. That’s when a knock came at the door. “You ok in there”? It was Jess. Crap, just as I had gotten my dick to calm down a bit her she comes again. “Yeah I’m good jess”. Son of a bitch, how long had I been in here thinking about this? Opening the door and walking in Jess asked “So you coming”? “What”? I asked as my head spun towards the door. “We going to the store or what”? “Right” I said. “Let me just grab my boots and we will be off”. A smirk crossed her perfect lips as she left the room. Did she think I was in here jerking off after that display in the living room? I know she saw the bulge in my jeans but she didn’t really think I was doing that did she? I quickly shuffled out of the room and grabbed my boots, and put them on. I just wanted to get out of the house at this point.Jess and I headed outside into the cold. It had stopped snowing but the ground was covered in the white fluffy powder. The store wasn’t far from my grandma’s house so we decided to walk. On the way Jess tried to make small talk but I was still too embarrassed to hold a real conversation. I didn’t say much. Instead I just trudged forward, forcing Jessica to try and keep up. We reached the end of the street at that point. From here we were going to have to cross the road and go through the local park to get to the store. It was on the other side of the park. It wasn’t a large park but it was fair sized and full of trees. As we crossed the road and started down the path jess spoke up again. “Ok did I do something”? I looked at her puzzled and asked “What do you mean”? “You haven’t said two words since we left the house. You ok”? I stopped dead in my tracks at that point and sighed. My breath caught in the cold air. “Look Jess, you didn’t do anything ok! I’m just a little embarrassed is all alright. I mean… I didn’t mean to. You know, back at the house”. And there it was again, that smirk I loved so much was back on her lips. “Oh, you mean your hard-on”? Shocked at how calmly she brought it up I said “Jezz Jessica”! She giggled and smiled at me “Don’t sweat it Tray, I was kinda trying to tease you a bit”. “What, oh my god Jess. I…” I let the sentence trail off. “Relax Tray, I took it as a compliment”. We moved deeper into the park as we talked. “Thanks for letting me off the hook Jess”. “Can I ask you a question Tray”? “Umm I guess” I said. “Why did you seem so shocked back there”? I looked yer straight in her beautiful green eyes at that point. I hadn’t realised I was avoiding eye contact till that point. Looking into her eyes my heart skipped a beat. “You mean back at the house”? “Yeah” she said. Again I sighed. “Look jess, I know we don’t normally talk about this, but… You remember how it was when we were k**s”. Jess seemed to become a bit somber as I approached this taboo topic, but she never broke eye contact. “I remember” she said. “Oh to hell with it” I blurted out. “Look when I was a k** I had the biggest crush on you, but we are cousins so I just never… you know. And then we got older and… “Again I let the sentence trail off. “Oh thank god” she said with a sigh of her own. “What”? Now I was defiantly confused. “Tray I used to have the same type of crush on you as well. I mean come on. Look how many times we made out.” Jessica seemed relieved as she said this. Like it was a secret she had wanted to confess for all these years. “Besides” she continued “I like knowing I can still turn you on”. “Come on Jess” I said. “We aren’t k**s anymore”. “Your right Tray we aren’t. Back then we were inexperienced and scared as shit that we would get in trouble. If I knew then what I know now I would have fucked your brains out back then.” I didn’t know what to say at that point, but my dick Shure did. It was rapidly growing and screaming to be set free from behind the zipper in my pants. Then that dirty hidden part of my brain broke forth before I could keep him in check. “Don’t tempt me” I blurted out. “Tray oh my god”! This time it was my turn to turn and smirk at Jess. I don’t think either of us knew what to do next at that point. We just stood there looking at each other for a moment. Both of us said nothing for what seemed like a good ten minutes. That’s when Jessica moved closer to me.Our eyes seemed to look into each other’s for some kind of güvenilir bahis answer to an unasked question. As we stepped closer together, my arm when around my cousins waist, and she stepped into my embrace. My dick had risen from its slumber and was at full attention to what was going on at this point. Jessica tilted her head up to face me and look me in the eyes. Then we both looked around the park. We were deep in the trees. No one would be able to see us from the road, and no one was around. Guilt started to build inside of me at this point. I knew what was happening was considered wrong. “Jess look I…” she cut me off at this point. “Tray don’t. It’s ok”. Her gloved palm, witch hand been resting against my chest, moved down slowly and deliberately until her palm was moving over the bulge in the front of my jeans. She began stroking my cock through my jeans as she looked up at me. As she did I leaned down and kissed my cousin passionately on the lips. Soon her lips parted allowing me to kiss her even deeper. Our tongues moved back and forth in each other’s mouths massaging each other. Our breath mingled and quickened. Suddenly Jessica pulled away from me just a little bit, and her hand shot up to her mouth. With her teeth she quickly pulled off her glove, and then stepped close again. This time her hand didn’t just press against my crotch. Instead, I felt her working around undoing my zipper and fishing around for my cock. It didn’t take her long to free my nine inches from my pants. “Oh my god” Jessica said as she started stroking my dick in her bare hand. “What” I asked. As she continued to firmly jerk me off in her bare hand Jessica looked into my eyes and then back down at my cock. “I have had so many fantasies about you Tray, but I never knew how big you were. You’re defiantly bigger than most the guys I’ve been with and a lot thicker to. Her pace on my cock quickened a bit as I let out a moan of approval. The sensation of her warm hand jerking me off in the cold winter air was exciting me even more. I thought my dick was going to swell up so much it would explode. “Hold on Jess” I said. “What’s wrong she asked. “Nothing I just need to lean against a tree or im going to fall over. My knees wanna buckle out from under me. I’m trying not to come. Jessica let go of my cock just long enough to let me get my balance and lean my back against a nearby tree. As soon as I did she had my dick back in her hand and was stroking it again. My breath quickened and became more rapid both jess and I knew I was going to come soon. That’s when Jessica quickly got down on her knees right there in the snow and started jerking me off softly. My cock just inches away from her face. The next thing I knew Jessica was ever so gently licking the tip of my cock and tenderly kissing it. “Oh fuck” I moaned, as I felt my dick slowly get pushed past her lips. Her mouth was wet and oh so warm after being in the cold winter air. Even with the hand job. As Jessica slowly bobbed her head up and down the length of my shaft I removed my gloves and tossed them to the ground. Then I placed my hands on each side of her head. I didn’t force anything. I just rested my hands on her head and played with her hair like an appreciative lover. I could feel her tongue rolling around in her mouth as she used it to massage my cock even more. “Oh god baby, im going to come jess”. My warm dick was suddenly chilly as it popped out of her mouth. “Come in my mouth Tray, I want you to. I want to taste you”. And just as suddenly Jessica had once again enveloped my cock in her mouth, and was once again tenderly sucking me off. Giving me not only the best blowjob I had ever gotten in my life, but the one I had always dreamed about as well. As my breathing got heavier I felt my balls swell. I could feel the pressure building and moving up into the rest of my body. “Fuck me I’m coming” I moaned as I shot the first wave of my man juice down the back of my cousin’s throat. She swallowed it expertly without gaging and was ready for the next wave as it hit. Again I shot a wave of my semen into her mouth. Then I felt the last shot trickle out of my dick and watched my cousin lick the tip of my cock, and her own lips. “Oh my gawd that tasted so good. I needed that” she said. “You and me both” I replied. Jess then stood up as I put my shrinking dick back in my pants, and kissed me on the lips. I could taste the remnants of my own come on her lips as I kissed her back. We picked up our gloves and Jessica dusted off her wet knees before we headed back towards the store. “I have wanted to do that for years” she said slipping her arm around mine and walking arm in arm with me as we went. “I guess I don’t have to say that this stays between us do I” I said as we walked. “Your right, you don’t” Jessica said as she smiled at me. “Besides, it makes it more fun”. I didn’t know it at the time. But Jessica intended for this to continue. And a blowjob was just the tip of the iceberg.

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